I will never forget my very first cup of coffee – sitting there alongside my father just watching every sip he took. I remember the curiosity that I had about it. There was something in that cup that slowed down the busiest man I knew and allowed him to stop and enjoy something for himself – an event that didn’t happen very often.  

I was just six years old when I asked him if I could have a cup of my own to drink. So, he poured me a small cup, added one ice cube and a dash of milk. I immediately fell in love! The smell. The taste. But mostly the moment. I began to understand how coffee can be so much more than just a drink.

Since then he and I have enjoyed many cups of coffee together and that first cup sparked a lifelong love and curiosity for this drink that is able to transform a moment into something special.  

In 2009, our first batch of coffee was roasted and over the years the passion continued to grow. Coffee provided the courage and inspiration for us to take a leap of faith and chase a dream by creating our own brand. 

Courageous Coffee was born with a hope to give special moments like my memory of that first coffee to people around the world.  So, whatever you’re chasing put a little courage in your cup.  

"Be strong & courageous for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go" Joshua 1:9

courageous coffee signature

Roast Master

Be bold.  Be strong.  Be courageous.



More About Us:


“For Schneider, the biggest goal during the pandemic isn’t to provide coffee and treats — it’s to improve the spirit of her customers.”

- Ionia Sentinel Standard

May 1, 2020


“'My personal mission is to get people to begin each day with a grateful heart,' [Tanya] says."

- RE Magazine

June 30th, 2017


“…emphasis on

doing something for others has been an ongoing theme for Schneider as her business has grown.”

-The Portland Beacon

December 30, 2019


“When Tanya Schneider was a little girl she convinced herself coffee was "magic." …

In the 30 years since, her fascination with java gave way to experimentation, which gave way to a hobby…”

- Lansing State Journal

September 1st, 2017



hile coffee is a daily part of many people’s lives—there are some folks for whom coffee is more than a ritual, it’s a calling."

- Michigan Country Lines

July 1st, 2018